Scuola Italiana Pizzaioli, champion training with Zanolli ovens

“Scuola Italiana Pizzaioli and Zanolli ovens, a partnership that we have happily carried forward for many years. Especially in the national headquarters of Caorle we have the tunnel oven, which has allowed us to dispel some of the enduring myths. One of our tasks as a school in fact is to teach the students, whether they are at the beginning of the career or already experts, the best available techniques for tackling the profession. Zanolli’s tunnel oven allows practically “everything” to be cooked, in a constant, regular way and with the least possible work by the pizza chef, always guaranteeing a high-level result, in addition to having very comfortable and practical physical dimensions. Moreover, it is among the best solutions for those who want to develop a laboratory – small, medium or large – of ready-made bases.”

Graziano Bertuzzo, technical manager of the Scuola Italiana Pizzaioli and judge presiding over the ovens at the Pizza World Championship.

Modular tunnel pizza oven Synthesis by Zanolli