Recipes Easter Cake in Teorema Polis pw oven We like real and genuine things, we like to know our customers better and better and understand their needs, desires and strengths. We like to… 18 April 2019
Zanolli from the world The FAIR PLAY ZANOLLI award goes to Vincenzo Mansi Vincenzo Mansi won the Fair Play Zanolli award. The prize, awarded at the 2019 Pizza World Championship, is an accolade to the person who… 16 April 2019
Zanolli from the world Zanolli at the Pizza World Championship 2019 Parma, 9-11 April: Zanolli technical sponsor of Pizza World Championship The 28th edition of the Pizza World Championship, three days of competitions filled with… 8 April 2019
Zanolli from the world Parizza 2019: Zanolli as technical sponsor for France’s Pizza Championship finals Parizza, the major pizza and snacking trending event, this year again will host the finals of the France’s Pizza Championship Pizza, on April… 26 March 2019
Discovery Paco Torreblanca: “Keeping an open mind without losing our true essence.” Master Paco Torreblanca, renowned teacher and honoured with numerous awards, yet always humble and cordial, has collaborated with Zanolli for years and uses our ovens… 20 February 2019
Discovery The Zanolli street food friendly oven Since the dawn of history food has been, as a fundamental aspect in the daily life of our ancestors, a real mission. It is not… 15 February 2019