Discovery How should I bake pizza and bread directly on the refractory floor (bedplate)? On the cooking bedplate in refractory material (cement, cordierite) pizza and bread can be baked directly on the floor, by using a… 22 August 2016
Discovery What is a static oven and what can I cook in this type of oven? The static oven is an oven that mainly cooks via conduction and radiation. The cooking chamber of a static oven is heated on the upper… 8 August 2016
Discovery Heat: tricks you might light to know The heat inside the oven chamber is transmitted in three ways: conduction, convection and radiation. These transmission methods are always there, but are exploited… 25 July 2016
Discovery Cooking, the best magic there is! We cook foods for three main reasons: to sanitise, that is eliminate pathogenic microorganisms, to stabilise them (aroma and taste), and to get colour. When… 11 July 2016
Discovery Zanolli Ovens and Machines is about to launch Discovery! Get ready for a trip to increase your knowledge of ovens, equipment, techniques, business and many other topics related to the world of cooking and… 3 July 2016
Zanolli from the world Look at the video of the school of Paco Torreblanca! Chef Paco Torreblanca in his school uses ovens Zanolli!… 19 May 2016